- Member snuze\Interfaces\Jsonable::fromJson (string $json)
- Revisit this (&& overrides) once PHP 7.4 covariance is mainstream
- Member snuze\Reddit\Listing\Listing::add ($thing)
- Revisit this (&& overrides) once PHP 7.4 covariance is mainstream
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Account\Account::getHasSubscribed ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Account\Account::getVerified ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Account\Account::setHasSubscribed (bool $hasSubscribed)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Account\Account::setVerified (bool $verified)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Account\MyAccount::getNewModmailExists ()
- make sure the docs are right here. Is this "you have the new
modmail" or "you have unread modmail messages"?
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Account\MyAccount::getPrefAutoplay ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Account\MyAccount::getPrefTopKarmaSubreddits ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Account\MyAccount::setNewModmailExists (bool $newModmailExists=null)
- make sure the docs are right here. Is this "you have the new
modmail interface" or "you have unread modmail messages"?
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Account\MyAccount::setPrefAutoplay (bool $prefAutoplay)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Account\MyAccount::setPrefTopKarmaSubreddits (bool $prefTopKarmaSubreddits)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::getClicked ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::getIsMeta ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::getMediaOnly ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::getNoFollow ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::getRemovalReason ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::getStewardReports ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::setClicked (bool $clicked)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::setIsMeta (bool $isMeta)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::setMediaOnly (bool $mediaOnly)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::setNoFollow (bool $noFollow)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::setRemovalReason (string $removalReason=null)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Link::setStewardReports (array $stewardReports)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::getAllowVideogifs ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::getNotificationLevel ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::getRestrictCommenting ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::getRestrictPosting ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::getUserFlairCssClass ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::getVideostreamLinksCount ()
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::setAllowVideogifs (bool $allowVideogifs)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::setNotificationLevel (string $notificationLevel=null)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::setRestrictCommenting (bool $restrictCommenting)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::setUserFlairCssClass (string $userFlairCssClass=null)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to
- Member snuze\Reddit\Thing\Subreddit::setVideostreamLinksCount (int $videostreamLinksCount=null)
- verify what exactly this corresponds to